Willpower and Desire as They Relate to Fitness

Numerous times recently both on Fitocracy and in questions from readers of the blog, I have gotten questions on dieting. This is not a huge deal, and while I think it has been covered more thoroughly by more learned folk than I (see Lyle’s site, Alan Aragon’s site, and Martin’s site), I will likely end […]

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Jim McBee’s Mostly Exchange Web Log: The IT Curmudgeon

I don’t normally do this, but here’s something centered on IT from Jim McBee’s blog. You should get a kick out of it if you have been in IT for any extended period, and there’s some nuggets in there as well: Jim McBee’s Mostly Exchange Web Log: The IT Curmudgeon


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Cholesterol adds more muscle gain to old people who train

Now, I’m not sure you should read too much into this (old folk, correlation != causation, etc.), but this study does make me think twice about the advice of some very large guys (like Jamie Lewis and Stan Efferding) to increase fat intake. Cholesterol adds more muscle gain to old people who train


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50+ Quotes Guaranteed to Inject Your Day With Unbridled Awesomeness

50+ Quotes Guaranteed to Inject Your Day With Unbridled Awesomeness:  “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little […]

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Mouthpiece Could Ease Stress, Hasten Recovery in Athletes | Playbook | Wired.com

Interesting article on a study that showed mouthguards reduce cortisol, if for no other reason that the cited study used squats as the exercise of choice.  Mouthpiece Could Ease Stress, Hasten Recovery in Athletes | Playbook | Wired.com


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Thanks to James Ford

Just wanted to drop a note to say thanks to James Ford for their excellent customer service. When I bought my GT500, I noticed that the black paint had a number of swirls and light scratches already in it. This has been the case with pretty much every black car I’ve ever owned, so I […]

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Injury Update

Well, today marks the day I went to visit a new doc for ART therapy to try and resolve this injury. I went to Premier Spine and Sport, and met with Dr. Brink, who also happens to be the doctor for this guy: Anyhow, after a pretty long discussion about the issue and what I […]

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Song for the Day

I suspect this is going to surprise a number of people, but I’m a fan of some of John Mayer’s music despite not being much of a fan of him, personally. While I always like to listen to great musicians (and he is a great musician, no doubt about that), that’s not why I like […]

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What an Intermittent Fasting Diet Looks Like: A Visual Guide

Many times on Fitocracy I see threads where people are discussing dieting, and one of the common themes I see is incredulity that it’s hard to eat enough food while ‘cutting’ (dieting to lose fat). Other times, I see people talking about how they can’t grow or calling themselves hard gainers because they can’t seem […]

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General Summary of Changes to Diet, Exercise, and Supplement Intake

NOTE: As an addendum to my progress post, I am still keeping a running tally of changes I make to my training, diet, and supplementation in order to trace back the effects further down the road. This post will be updated periodically to reflect that. Exercise Beginning: 5×5 From Bodybuilding.com 6/1/10: Added recumbent biking, ~40 […]

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