Little Victory for the Day

When you are injured, you have to take training victories where you can get them, so here’s my victory for the day:

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Widowmaker – 275×20 at 215 lb bodyweight

And for the record, if anyone ever tells you that anaerobic exercise (i.e. weightlifting) doesn’t improve cardiovascular health, please instruct them to strap 275 lbs to their back, squat down, stand up, and repeat that 19 more times.


  1. #1 by B on March 21, 2012 - 5:52 pm

    Cardio is dead! Long live cardio!

    • #2 by Brian Hill on March 21, 2012 - 6:15 pm

      Lol, yea. I pretty much felt like dying. My little doggies licked me to death, so I must have sounded like it too…

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