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Exercise Program
Conclusion and Results
In the Beginning…
Starting this out, I had a lot of fairly major challenges to overcome. I present all of these here in the spirit of full disclosure.
In January of 2010, I had all of the following conditions:
- Gouty Arthritis (Gout)
- Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
- Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol)
- Hypertriglyceridemia (High Triglycerides)
- Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)
- Severe Congestive Sleep Apnea
Furthermore, some of these conditions were as of yet undiagnosed, and most were untreated. Let me give a brief overview of the more obscure of these conditions to give you an idea of where I started, beginning with Gouty Arthritis, more commonly known as Gout.
Gout is a chronic condition that generally occurs when your body has an excess of Uric acid in the blood. This acid, over time, tends to collect in your joints and form crystals, which cause excruciating pain. When gout is left untreated, these attacks occur over and over and will eventually debilitate you.
To give you an idea of what an attack is like, when it begins, it fills like a minor sprain of the joint. As it progresses (usually over a day or so), it goes from feeling like a sprain to feeling like a break. You go from being able to gingerly limp around to being in constant pain, unable to move without extreme pain, and completely incapable of bearing weight on the joint. Imagine ground glass in your joints, and you have a rough approximation of the feeling.
I’ve had gout for a few years now, and it is currently almost completely treated with Allopurinol. I haven’t had a full-on attack in over a year now, but I do have to work through minor attacks every 3-6 months. Mostly it doesn’t bother me, and I just work through the pain when a minor attack comes on.
High Blood Pressure, Triglycerides, and Cholesterol were all present and basically untreated at the beginning. My doctor put me on medication for all of them, but my diet and exercise changes did more to affect these than the medications, and I quit taking medication for all of them between July and December of 2010.
Low Testosterone has likely been present for many years, but undiagnosed. I didn’t have my first blood test for Testosterone until the summer of 2010, did not begin treatment until August of 2010, and was not in the normal range consistently until August of 2011.
My first testosterone test put my levels at 230ng/dl, which is incredibly low. For reference, an average 35 year old male should be around 670ng/dl, and anything between 350 and 1000ng/dl is considered “normal”.
The effects of this were many, but the most pertinent to my goals were that I was constantly tired, slept poorly, lost muscle, gained fat, had difficulty concentrating and remembering, and was depressed, anxious, and irritable.
Low Testosterone is something a lot of men have trouble talking about, and I am no exception. I am bringing it up for two reasons: First, I believe in full disclosure, because I want people to be able to replicate my results. I firmly believe that omitting something I am taking is misleading. And second, I want people to realize that not only did I reshape my body without steroids, a good case can be made for saying I did it with sub-normal testosterone levels. Meaning, if you are a normal male with normal hormone levels, in my opinion you should definitely be able to replicate my results. I am not an exceptional specimen; Hormonally, anyway, I am defective.
As of this writing, I am injecting Testosterone Cypionate at 100mg per week, and the highest level I see is around 1100ng/dl, which tapers off to roughly 600ng/dl before my next injection. These levels are the best I have been able to achieve thus far, and it has taken 18 months of trial and error to reach this point.
So, keep in mind that even at my peak through treatment, I am only slightly above some normal males, and at the trough I am still below average. Furthermore, I did not even begin treatment until August of 2010, so the first 8 months of results are completely untreated.
The last obscure condition I have, which had just been diagnosed when I started this process, is Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is basically when you stop breathing throughout the night. In my case (congestive sleep apnea), this is caused by a constricted airway.
This is a disease that tends to be correlated with obesity. Whether it is caused by obesity, or it actually causes obesity is not certain, but it seems to be related. However, this makes some sense when you consider what is occurring in many cases.
While awake, muscle tone keeps all of the flesh surrounding the esophagus from compressing it too severely and causing any real distress. However, when you sleep, your muscles relax. When the muscles relax, the weight of your tissue presses down on the esophagus and causes it to deform. This constricts the airway, and in order for your body to pull the air it needs, it increases the suction (negative pressure).
Now, imagine the esophagus as a straw, and air like a thick milkshake. If you suck hard on the straw, trying to force the milkshake up faster, it collapses the straw and you get nothing. This is what increasing the suction effectively does. In response to not getting air, the body tries to prevent you from dying by waking you up, which firms up the muscles and un-compresses your throat, allowing you to draw air.
This is what happens with sleep apnea. In my case, it happened roughly 30 times per hour, or once every two minutes. This caused me to never get a really good night’s sleep, always feeling tired and sleepy no matter how much ‘sleep’ I’d had. I believe it also caused a reduction in my ability to memorize and retain information, which at one time was quite exceptional.
I have no idea how long I’ve had this condition, but it is not a condition that occurs overnight. According to my wife, I’ve been a loud snorer for over 10 years, so I’ve likely had it since my 20’s. In any event, it is currently treated with some effectiveness using a Constant Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP works by pushing air in at positive pressure to ‘inflate’ the esophagus, similar to blowing into a straw.
On a good night, the CPAP gives me an adequate night’s sleep. However, good nights probably only occur 60% of the time. Since CPAP blows through my nose, if my nose is stuffy or swelling, it doesn’t work very well and I sleep poorly. Compounding this is the fact that the pressurized air itself tends to irritate my sinuses and cause swelling, and it means that I sometimes have very bad nights indeed. Overall, my recovery from workouts is probably compromised to some degree by poor sleep.
In any event, the end result of all of this is that in January of 2010, I felt very, very bad. I was constantly very tired and sleepy, I felt very depressed, nothing excited me, any exertion caused extreme discomfort, and at the ripe old age of 34, it was fairly obvious to me that if I did not get my health under control, I would very soon be to a point where getting it under control was not possible.
Thus, I began this process with a singular goal: Gain enough muscle to start offsetting the fat, making me feel better and (hopefully) making it easier to get healthy. Over the last 24 months, I have refined both my exercise and diet to varying degrees, and have chronicled all of the changes, which I will cover a little later. For now, here is a summary of my current exercise program and diet.
Exercise Program
Current Program
Custom APRE program based around heavy compound lifts. This has been used for the last 4 months of the cut.
Program Detail
Here is my current exercise program, broken down by day. While cutting, I have generally kept the volume down to 1 work set per exercise. The week is split into two volume days (8-10 reps), two intensity days (3-6 reps), and one ‘beach muscle’ day. Further, each volume and intensity day is split into either primary or alternate, with primary days focusing on the main exercises and alternate days using a variation of the movement. For example, with squats, on primary days I do low-bar Rippetoe-style squats, where on alternate days I do high-bar, Olympic-style squats.
Warmup Routine
- Begin each heavy session (M-Tu-Th-F) with 15 minutes of drumming (moderate to high intensity full body cardio).
- Follow warm-up guidelines from Iron Addicts forum
Monday (Alternate Volume)
- High-Bar (Olympic Style) Squat: 2×8
- Press: 2×8
- Pull-ups: 30 reps in as few sets as possible
Tuesday (Primary Intensity)
- Low-Bar (Rippetoe Style) Squat: 1×5, 1×3 (+5 lbs)
- Bench Press: 1×5, 1×3 (+5 lbs)
- Chins: 30 reps in as few sets as possible
Wednesday (Beach Muscle)
- Barbell Calf Raise off 2” block: 2×8
- Barbell Curl: 2×8
Thursday (Alternate Intensity)
- Deadlift: 1×5
- Weighted Dip: 1×5, 1×3 (+5 lbs)
- High-Bar (Olympic Style) Squat: 1×5, 1×3 (+5 lbs)
Friday (Primary Volume)
- Low-Bar (Rippetoe Style) Squat: 2×8
- Bench Press: 2×8
- Pendlay Row: 2×8
- Drumming for 1 hour each day
Main program used throughout the previous year
Madcow’s 5×5, with form guidelines taken from Starting Strength
Dropped all Situps and Hyperextensions, added calf raises, donkey calf raises, chin-ups, pull-ups, and dips. Moved all accessory work to separate Tuesday/Thursday workouts.
Reasons for Modifications
- Situps and Hyperextensions: I deemed these exercises unnecessary when primarily doing heavy compound lifts. Heavy compounds (specifically Deadlifts and Squats, though Presses count as well) stress the abdominals by requiring them to support the spine under a heavy load. This is exactly what the abs are designed to do. They are not made to pull weight up by flexing the spine in unnatural positions. They can, but this not their purpose, and this is arguably not the best way to train them. Furthermore, in my opinion, exercises that flex the spine to work the abdominals or lower back are potentially dangerous, since they place undue stress on the spine in odd positions.I’m not going to universally proclaim them to be horrible, but if I have to choose between loading weight on my chest and doing some form of a situp or loading a barbell and doing a squat to work my abs, I’ll choose a squat every time.
- Calf Raises: Due to reconstructive foot surgery I had as a child, I spent two years in casts with my feet broken and Achilles tendons cut. Because of this, my calves are very short and strange looking. Since calves can generally handle being pummeled into oblivion, I added these in to provide them more stimuli for growth. Also, the active stretch these exercises provide may help lengthen my calves back out and improve their appearance.
- Chin-ups: These are a great way of getting some really heavy bicep work in a compound movement. I do standard barbell curls for lighter isolation work, but my biceps were still lagging behind the rest of my body, so I added these to add some intense stimulus.
- Pull-ups: Added mostly to help with grip and lat development. Another good heavy compound exercise.
- Dips: Added to help with chest development. I felt that my chest was not growing fast enough, and this was a good heavy compound exercise to hit it with lighter weight for higher reps.
- Splitting to a 5-day schedule: This just worked out better for me from a scheduling perspective. With the 3 day schedule, the accessory work ended up pushing some days closer to 80-minute workouts. In an effort to keep each workout to under one hour, I split all of the accessory work off to Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Program Detail
If you are unfamiliar with Madcow’s 5×5, please check out the main site here. Everything below is based on this program, and the weights vary, but are generally going up by 5-15 lbs each week.
Warmup Routine
- Begin each heavy session (M-W-F) with 15 minutes of drumming (moderate to high intensity full body cardio).
- Perform each exercise for one set with the bar or bodyweight only, concentrating on form.
- For each exercise with a starting weight above 180 lbs, perform one set with 135 lbs, concentrating on form.
- Keep in mind that I used Madcow’s Intermediate program, which ramps the weight up to a top set of 5. Because of this, the warm up is abbreviated compared to programs with straight sets of 5.
- Squat: 5×5
- Bench: 5×5
- Pendlay Row: 5×5
- Chin-up: 3×6-12
- Barbell Calf Raise off 2” block: 3×6-12
- Dip: 3×6-12
- Deadlift: 4×5
- Press: 4×5
- Squat: 4×5
- Pull-up: 3×6-12
- Donkey Calf Raise: 3×6-12
- EZ-Bar Curl: 3×6-12
- Lying Triceps Extension: 3×6-12
- Squat: 4×5,1×3,1×8
- Bench: 4×5,1×3,1×8
- Pendlay Row: 4×5,1×3,1×8
- Drumming for 1 hour each day
- Recumbent biking for 30 minutes to 1 hour per day at maximum tension and constant 12 MPH pace
My diet, for most of the cut, was basically simply caloric restriction with a ton of protein and some specific nutrient choices for health reasons. I am, however, a creature of habit, and when I find a food that I both like and fits my nutrition goals, I tend to stick with it. So, my diet does tend to be pretty stable.
However, beginning in April of 2011, I switched over to a leangains-style Intermittent Fasting (IF) diet, and have not looked back. It allows me to eat more in one sitting (which I enjoy, because I can seriously pack away food), while keeping my macros in check.
Using IF, I fast for 16 hours out of the day and eat in an 8-hour window. The leangains aspect to it is that I cycle my macros to eat more on days when I lift with a high volume (my volume days) and less on others. I’ve actually taken this one step further and set up three types of days:
- Heavy: 110% TEE calories (3300), 300+g of Protein.
- Light: 60% TEE calories (1800), 250g of Protein.
- Off: 50% TEE calories (1500), 200g of Protein.
If you want more detail into my diet, check out my nutrition log on DailyBurn, where pretty much everything I’ve eaten in the last two years is recorded. In the near future, I’ll post more on nutrition to give a little more insight into some of the epiphanies I’ve had over the last two years, but the TL;DR version is: Calories matter, if you aren’t tracking methodically you are probably failing, what you do 90% of the time is what counts, keep protein high (~1.5g per pound of lean body mass) to support muscle mass, and IIFYM, quit worrying about it and eat it.
Here, I’ve provided detailed results of my progress. Throughout the process, I generally kept meticulous track of my weight, measurements, bloodwork, lifts, and towards the end, body composition (via DXA scans). All of that data is summarized here, along with some additional pictures. Also, most of this data is available on my public profile site at DailyBurn, and you can use the site to graph it to get a more visual idea of how I progressed.
Body Measurements
Here are my beginning measurements contrasted with my best recent measurements. Note that all measurements were taken cold (unpumped, directly after waking) using a Myotape measuring tape.
January 2010 | Current | Difference | |
Weight | 292 | 212 | -80 |
Bodyfat Percentage | 50% | 13% | -37.00% |
Lean Mass | 146 | 184 | 38 |
Fat Mass | 146 | 28 | -118 |
Shoulders | 57.0” | 55.0” | -2.0” |
Chest | 51.5” | 48.0” | -3.5” |
Waist | 52.5” | 36.8” | -15.8” |
Biceps | 17.5” | 17.0” | -0.5” |
Thighs | 27.5” | 25.5” | -2.0” |
Below are my original PR’s and all-time PR’s attained during the process. All of these were attained during normal workouts.
January 2010 | Current | Difference | |
Bench 5 RM | 205 | 345 | 140 |
Squat 5 RM | 230 | 405 | 175 |
Dead 5 RM | 200 | 435 | 235 |
Press 5 RM | 85 | 185 | 100 |
Pendlay Row 5 RM | 90 | 285 | 195 |
Here is my general bloodwork to show the changes in my cholesterol levels. Keep in mind that according to my Dr., my beginning triglyceride levels were so high that the lab could not correctly check my LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels. Also, I do not have my latest bloodwork back from the lab, so the ‘current’ values used here are from November 2010.
January 2010 | Current | Difference | |
Triglycerides | 504 | 155 | -349 |
Cholesterol | 221 | 183 | -38 |
dHDL | 33 | 30 | -3 |
LDL | NA | 122 | NA |
VLDL | NA | 31 | NA |
Chol/dHDL Ratio | 6.7 | 6.1 | -0.6 |
Testosterone Levels
Below are running measurements (in ng/dl), along with a graph showing my testosterone levels over the period. This should give a better idea of the progress of my TRT over the period.
7/14/2010 | 9/9/2010 | 10/19/2010 | 11/12/2010 | 1/6/2011 | 2/11/2011 | 4/21/2011 | 7/19/2011 | 9/20/2011 | 1/4/2012 | |
Testosterone | 235 | 549 | 450 | 660 | 247 | 622 | 299 | 444 | 1140 | 906 |
DXA Scans
Below are the results from each of my DXA scans showing total mass, lean mass, fat mass, and bone mass (all in lbs).
4/4/2011 | |||||
Region | Fat | Lean | Bone | Total Lean | Total |
Arms | 5.67 | 24.40 | 1.21 | 25.61 | 31.28 |
Legs | 17.39 | 53.38 | 2.71 | 56.09 | 73.48 |
Trunk | 41.12 | 95.51 | 3.08 | 98.59 | 139.70 |
Total | 66.04 | 184.41 | 8.14 | 192.55 | 258.58 |
6/2/2011 | |||||
Region | Fat | Lean | Bone | Total Lean | Total |
Arms | 3.72 | 23.47 | 1.19 | 24.66 | 28.38 |
Legs | 13.20 | 48.93 | 2.64 | 51.57 | 64.77 |
Trunk | 35.01 | 102.30 | 3.47 | 105.77 | 140.78 |
Total | 53.51 | 185.48 | 8.48 | 193.95 | 247.46 |
21.6% Bodyfat
7/18/2011 | |||||
Region | Fat | Lean | Bone | Total Lean | Total |
Arms | 3.07 | 21.72 | 1.19 | 22.91 | 25.98 |
Legs | 11.60 | 53.77 | 2.64 | 56.42 | 68.02 |
Trunk | 26.77 | 93.90 | 3.07 | 96.97 | 123.74 |
Total | 42.76 | 179.87 | 8.05 | 187.92 | 230.69 |
18.5% Bodyfat
8/11/2011 | |||||
Region | Fat | Lean | Bone | Total Lean | Total |
Arms | 4.05 | 22.13 | 1.23 | 23.35 | 27.40 |
Legs | 11.78 | 52.98 | 2.64 | 55.61 | 67.39 |
Trunk | 28.22 | 86.49 | 3.03 | 89.52 | 117.73 |
Total | 45.46 | 172.41 | 8.06 | 180.47 | 225.94 |
20.1% Bodyfat
1/25/2012 | ||||
Fat | Lean | Bone | Total Lean | Total |
1.87 | 20.35 | 1.16 | 21.51 | 23.38 |
7.99 | 54.45 | 2.62 | 57.06 | 65.05 |
17.57 | 94.49 | 3.10 | 97.59 | 115.16 |
28.46 | 179.94 | 8.07 | 188.01 | 216.47 |
13.1% Bodyfat
Selected Photos
Finally, here are a few additional photos, along with a link to my Workout Progress Picasa web album, where I have photos taken throughout the process.
Special thanks to my lovely wife Beth for the professional shots taken at the end. She had a particularly ornery and troublesome subject.
Picasa album with running progress images
General Summary of Changes and Timeline
Finally, I’m providing a general summary of changes to my diet, training, and supplementation routines below to give you a full idea of how many things I did and did not change throughout the process.
- Beginning: 5×5 From Bodybuilding.com
- 6/1/10: Added recumbent biking, ~40 miles per week
- 7/1/10: Custom 3×8 (based on Bodybuilding.com 5×5)
- 8/1/10: Madcow’s 5×5 Intermediate, dropped cardio back to ~12 miles per week
9/1/10: Dropped cardio to ~10 miles per week - 10/1/10: Stopped cardio entirely
- 12/1/10: Resumed cardio, ~20 miles per week
- 1/1/11: Began doing 15 minutes of warmup biking PWO, total up to ~26 miles per week
- 2/1/11: Dropped PWO biking and play drums PWO instead. Overall biking drops to ~22 miles per week while drumming increases to ~3 hours per week. Drumming caloric burn ~8 per minute (1440 per week)
- 4/1/11: Cut biking out entirely, still drum ~3 hours per week
- 4/1/11: Custom Reverse Pyramid Training program (based on Leangains/Madcow’s 5×5)
- 5/4/11: Back to Madcow’s, adding chins and pull-ups
- 5/12/11: Added dips on Friday
- 5/23/11: Added calf raises, split off assistance work to Tuesday/Thursday workouts
- 6/4/11: Added cardio back in, Biking 30 mins per day on Sat/Sun (10-12 miles/week)
- 6/17/11: Increased cardio (biking) to 1 hour per day on Sat/Sun (20-25 miles/week)
- 7/20/11: Vacation till 8/4. No exercise.
- 8/8/11: Restart Madcow’s 5×5, dropping dips, curls and triceps extensions. Also dropped biking
(still drumming ~3 hours per week). - 9/19/11: Switched to APRE protocol based on big compound lifts. 2 “light” days, 2 heavy days,
and 1 “beach” day. - 10/14/11: Switched APRE to 1 work set per exercise instead of 2, roughly halving volume during
cutting periods. - 10/31/11: APRE back to 2 work sets until 11/14
- 11/14/11: APRE back to 1 work set.
- 11/26/11: Out of town for 1 week, no exercise.
- 12/3/11: Back to APRE with 1 work set.
- 12/20/11: Modified warm-up for APRE to be more in line with Dave Tate’s suggested warm-up
(more sets, less reps, more weight jumps) - 1/9/12: Back to two work sets on APRE due to feeling better (sleep issues better taken care of)
- 1/16/12: Began using Fat Gripz on warmup sets as much as possible to improve grip strength; Changed chins/pull-ups to 30 unweighted reps in as few sets as possible instead of doing weighted reps
- Beginning: Eat whatever I want, whenever I want.
- 4/1/10: Focused on eating massive amounts of food. Average net calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 4057/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day
- 5/1/10: Began trimming down quantities due to weight gain. Began substituting custom protein shakes instead of meals. Average calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 3317/day. Average protein intake: ~200g/day
- 6/1/10: Focused on getting more protein. Consumed more shakes (typically breakfast and supper were both shakes), more protein in shakes. Average calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 3108/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day
- 7/1/10: Reduced real food quantity. Average calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 2650/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day
- 9/1/10: Quit eating out for lunch, more strict focus on actual quantity and less estimation.
- 10/1/10: Came off diet, ate more real food. Average calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 3084/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day
- 11/1/10: Began CKD. Average calorie intake (minus cardio estimates): 3400/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day. Average carb intake: ~20/day
- 1/1/11: CKD not working, got very OCD about weighing/measuring food and ensuring minimal/no carbs in daily foods.
- 2/1/11: Came off CKD as it was completely failing without caloric restriction. Got Bodymedia FIT and began caloric restriction based on expenditure data. Average calorie intake (total): 3474/day. Average calorie deficit (Bodymedia data): 805/day. Average protein intake: ~250g/day
- 3/1/11: Increased protein intake. Average calorie intake (total): 3454/day. Average calorie deficit (Bodymedia data): 875/day. Average protein intake: ~280g/day
- 4/1/11: Began Leangains-style IF dieting.
- 4/17/11: Increased caloric intake by 750 cals/day due to extreme weight loss in the previous two weeks.
- 4/25/11: Dropped intake back down to 2700/day
- 5/1/11: Added 4 tbsp of wheat bran to evening shake
- 5/9/11: Dropped intake back down to 2500/day
- 6/21/11: Added 1 scoop of Amazing Grass Green Superfood to evening shake
- 7/20/11: Vacation till 8/4. Free eating, averaged 4900 cals/day
- 8/4/11: Back on diet, intake back to 2500/day
- 9/1/11: Stopped taking the Amazing Grass (not beneficial) and replaced with 2 tbsp of Nestle Quik powder (still not beneficial, but for 60 calories, really tastes good).
- 10/1/11: Replaced Nestle with three scoops of Cocoa (same calorie content)
- 10/19/11: Upped Omega-3 liquid in shake to 3 Tbps per shake. Replaced Cocoa with PB2 for 5 grams of protein in same calorie content.
- 10/24/11: Modified diet to be more Leangains style. 3200 cals on heavy days (M and F), 2000 cals on light days (T and Th), 1500 cals on off days. On Sat/Sun, cals are actually 2000-2500, but offset to 1500 by increased activity (NEAT and drumming).
- 10/29/11: Began 2 week diet break. Back to maintenance levels on LG protocol (4000 on heavy, 3000 on light, 2300 on off days).
- 11/12/11: Back to diet, 3200 cals on heavy days (M and F), 2000 cals on light days (T and Th), 1500 cals on off days.
- 11/26/11: Out of town for 1 week, off diet and simply trying to get adequate protein. Average Cals 5140 per day.
- 12/3/11: Back on diet, standard LG protocol.
- 1/5/12: Added iodine (150 mcg) to evening shake
- Beginning: Multi-vitamin and Calcium supplement
- 2/1/10: Whey protein
- 5/1/10: Fish Oil
- 8/1/10: Testim (Test levels increased from 230 to 400)
- 9/1/10: Increased Testim dose (Test levels increased from 400 to 550)
- 10/1/10: Creatine
- 11/1/10: Switched to Testopel, 9 pellets (Test levels drop to a high around 500 and a low of 220)
- 1/1/11: Testopel increased to 11 pellets (Test levels increased to a high of 650, low increases to 300)
- 2/1/11: EC stack
- 3/1/11: Added Casein protein, L-Tyrosine
- 4/28/11: Testopel increased to 12 pellets (Test levels increased to a high of 850, low increases to 444)
- 6/1/11: Began using Myofusion instead of Whey/Casien
- 7/1/11: Switched back to ON Whey/Casien combo
- 8/23/11: Switched to IM Testosterone Cypionate, 100 mg/week (Test level increased to a high of 1140)
- 10/25/11: Cut out morning protein shake and switched to BCAA’s
#1 by Anonymous on January 26, 2012 - 1:26 pm
You’re the man.
#2 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 1:51 pm
Thanks 🙂
#3 by Anonymous on January 26, 2012 - 3:12 pm
That’s a ridiculous change.
…you look like a bad motherfucker, now.
#4 by Anonymous on January 26, 2012 - 3:16 pm
Seriously……god damn impressive man! Congrats!
#5 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 3:27 pm
Thanks guys 🙂
#6 by Adam on January 26, 2012 - 4:05 pm
Wow! Firstly well done on your stunning weight loss and muscle gains and secondly thank you for sharing your progress. I loved the write up, very clear so others can follow suit. I am definitely inspired!
#7 by Sean Booth on January 26, 2012 - 4:11 pm
Wow, how tall are you?
#8 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 4:25 pm
Thanks Adam 🙂 More than anything, I hope this helps people realixze that they don’t need a magic bullet to reach thier goals. Just hard work, perseverance, and a little thought.
#9 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 4:26 pm
@Sean Booth, I’m 5’8″ in shoes, so like 5’7″ in reality 🙂
#10 by Anonymous on January 26, 2012 - 5:01 pm
If I had seen you I would not have known my own son! – Honestly Brian this is so amazing and inspiring. You look awesome and so handsome! Love
your MOM : )
#11 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 5:11 pm
Thanks Mom 🙂
#12 by John on January 26, 2012 - 7:30 pm
This is amazing! You are truly an inspiration Brian, and you drum too?! Badass. Congratulations on all of your hard-work and success. KEEP GOING!
#13 by Daniel on January 26, 2012 - 7:30 pm
Congratulations! This is a big inspiration to everyone. Great workout routine!
#14 by Brian Hill on January 26, 2012 - 7:58 pm
Thanks guys. @John, yea, I’ve been drumming for a few years, but my son puts me to shame now. Still, nothing like banging on drums to make you feel good and get things pumping.
#15 by Brian on January 26, 2012 - 9:01 pm
Seriously awesome work. Awesome strength gains on top of that fat loss, too. This must have been extremely difficult to accomplish. Major respect to you, good sir.
If only I could motivate some of my family members like you were motivated.
#16 by openid on January 27, 2012 - 9:56 am
You look like a Viking warrior, dude. Awesome.
#17 by Dan on January 27, 2012 - 10:02 am
This is an awesome post and like others have said, really inspirational. It just shows what you can do with hard work and dedication.
#18 by Anonymous on January 27, 2012 - 10:19 am
You’re truly the man. More power to you!
#19 by Brian Hill on January 27, 2012 - 2:59 pm
Thanks guys, I really appreciate all of the positive comments this has gotten.
#20 by Les Miserable on January 27, 2012 - 6:23 pm
Jeez, 80lb down & you still aint smilin’?
#21 by Brian Hill on January 27, 2012 - 6:49 pm
@Les Miserable Nah, if were to smile people might get the wrong idea that I am a nice guy 🙂
#22 by Anonymous on January 28, 2012 - 4:25 am
fantastic job man, that is one of the best transformations I have ever witnessed, awesome!!! Paul D
#23 by Brian Hill on January 28, 2012 - 5:19 am
@PaulD, thanks I really appreciate it 🙂
#24 by Anonymous on January 29, 2012 - 1:43 pm
Excellent Job Brian. Great article as well, a lot of useful info.
Question: Is there one or two things that you would attribute to your greatest fat loss throughout your transformation? Leangains, lifting consistancy, something else…
-Joe D (also a drummer)
#25 by Brian Hill on January 29, 2012 - 7:36 pm
@Joe D, thanks man. To answer your question on fat loss, the real key to losing fat is just maintaining your target deficit. However, losing that fat is only half of the story. When you lose weight, some portion of it is always lean and some other portion is always fat, so the thing you are really trying to do is lose as much fat while retaining as much lean as possible. In this regard, I would say the key things I learned were: Lift heavy to maintain muscle, create the majority of your deficit with diet instead of cardio, and don’t get greedy – results take time. Trying to lose to fast almost invariably leads to muscle loss.
#26 by Anonymous on February 1, 2012 - 2:07 pm
Thanks Again.. Keep up the good work! – Joe D
#27 by Scott Smith on January 30, 2012 - 5:55 pm
Dang Brian, good job man
#28 by Brian Hill on January 30, 2012 - 6:08 pm
@Scott Smith Thanks man.
#29 by Matt P on January 31, 2012 - 10:17 pm
I’m totally impressed. Great transformation!
#30 by Brian Hill on February 1, 2012 - 1:54 am
Thanks Matt. 🙂
#31 by Dustin on February 3, 2012 - 4:37 am
Awesome Brian. Are there any tips you have for handling gout? I have attacks in my elbow a few times a year which hurt my training.
Thanks for the inspiration.
#32 by Brian Hill on February 3, 2012 - 10:37 am
Yea, the first tip I would give would be to talk to your doc about Alopurinol if you aren’t already on it. It alone pretty much ended my attacks. Also, if you drink regularly, you might want to experiment with reducing or eliminating alcohol. Anecdotally, I haven’t really had a major attack since getting on Alopurinol, but I still had minor attacks regularly until I quit drinking on a regular basis.
And I’m glad I can help inspire people, thanks 🙂
#33 by Anonymous on February 7, 2012 - 2:44 am
Saw you on /fit/. Great job, dude.
#34 by Brian Hill on February 7, 2012 - 2:49 am
Thanks man 🙂
#35 by millerpm on February 15, 2012 - 7:15 pm
Awesome Brian! Seriously, you the man!
#36 by Brian Hill on February 16, 2012 - 12:59 am
Thanks Paul, I appreciate it 🙂
#37 by Anonymous on February 16, 2012 - 5:02 am
You have got a cool face.
#38 by Henrik on February 19, 2012 - 8:06 am
Nice work. You have now inspired me to take action of my life and health.
#39 by Brian Hill on February 19, 2012 - 1:46 pm
Henrik, that is great to hear. Just stay focused and determined and you will succeed.
#40 by Anonymous on February 19, 2012 - 2:39 pm
Great job! Do you take an AI to manage your E2 levels (estradiol) since you are taking T Cyp? I also have low T and considering T shots after some more blood work.
#41 by Brian Hill on February 19, 2012 - 3:09 pm
So far, my bloodwork has been good so the doc has not put me on any aromatase inhibitors. According to my doc, those are typically only necessary when taking high levels of T or when severely obese.
#42 by Anonymous on February 19, 2012 - 3:28 pm
Ah thats good to hear. Do you do the injections yourself or have the doc do them? IM or SC (subcutaneous)? I read a few studies that SC are just as effective as IM for delivery.
Right now I am on HCG mono therapy but considering the switch since HCG is not covered by my insurance. Not even sure if its going to be effective either, still waiting for blood results to see.
My LH and FSH levels were low so I was a prime candidate for HCG. $160 a month tho is just too much and Im done having kids so T shots might be the way to go.
How long before you felt the impact of the T shots mentally and in the gym?
#43 by Brian Hill on February 19, 2012 - 3:55 pm
I do the injections myself, once per week, IM. I am probably going to give SubQ a try in the future, but I don’t want to experiment with multiple variables, so I have some other basic experiments related to training and nutrition that I feel are more important short-term.
I am trying to get my doc to sign off on small doses of HCG in addition to T to better level out my hormone production, offset the side effects of TRT, and upregulate secondary hormones (see the Crisler HCG Protocol for reference). My doc is uncomfortable with this currently, so I am giving him some time. I don’t want any more kids, but I don’t like not ever being able to consciously make that choice again.
On the impact, T shots took a little longer than I expected; I would say roughly 2 weeks (all subjective). On the other hand, I felt the effects of Testim pretty much immediately (same day).
#44 by Anonymous on February 19, 2012 - 10:06 pm
Interesting read on the protocol. He basically recommends T injections along with HCG instead of HCG mono therapy since patients have better sense of well being with T + HCG instead of HCG alone even with the same serum levels.
Ill continue the HCG and get my blood done again just to see how my body reacts to HCG alone then move over to T + HCG as stated in his protocol.
#45 by Anonymous on May 27, 2012 - 3:33 am
Great job man, inspiring.
#46 by Darin Clements on March 18, 2014 - 4:44 pm
I’m’ sure you’re long past checking this, but bravo on the transformation. It’s obvious you worked at it and the results speak for themselves. I’m starting, (re-starting), mine and this is what I like to see; former fat body like me with the guts and heart to bring out the buff dude that’s hiding in all of us. He’s there, he just got buried by Twinkies. Time to dig him out.
#47 by LouCypher on March 18, 2014 - 4:50 pm
Thanks Darin. I still check (obviously). 🙂 Just keep your goal in mind and don’t lose your resolve and you can get there. In fact, I’d say it’s doable in less than 2 years if you don’t make the mistakes I made and get your diet in check right at the start.
#48 by Anon on February 15, 2015 - 6:46 pm
This is great to see. In addition to losing the weight and gaining the muscle, I wonder what sort of psychological effects that the test itself was giving you. I’ve heard that TRT can really promote pronounced improvements in mood, etc.
I’ve just started HCG monotherapy and I’m slowly starting to get some benefits out of it.
Good luck continuing with TRT.
#49 by llt on March 22, 2015 - 8:54 am
I would have much rather gone the HCG route, but my doc said it would not help due to the type of hypogonadism I have. I felt immensely better psychologically. This is actually one of the main reasons I went. I was always irritable and unhappy before, and it was very difficult for everyone in my family to live with. I’m a much more well-balanced person these days.
#50 by Rogelio Torres on March 25, 2015 - 2:29 pm
Oh snap I knew you lost weight but this is a big drastic change. Remind me not to piss you off at the office.
#51 by llt on March 25, 2015 - 6:59 pm
#52 by Manuel Frank on September 12, 2016 - 2:55 pm
Fantastic transformation. You’re inspirational and very informative. Your detailed report and in depth analyses are invaluable. I’m on my own path, and to emulate you to even a small degree is massively important to those of us looking for a clear path forward. Started on IF one month ago, and have lost 28 pounds in the last 6 1/2 months (7 pounds since I started IF). You’ve got me by two inches and I’m sitting right now at 213 (body fat about 22%). Thank you for the info!!!