Be Careful Who You Get Your Supplements From

As a public service announcement for those who don’t get over to Reddit very often, here’s an interesting thread where an enterprising lad took a sample of the very cheap, very concentrated American Pure Whey protein product and ran a chemical analysis on it. The results? Well, roughly, a sample of APW that should have 25g of protein actually has ~5g.

This prompted another enterprising lad to solicit for samples of protein powder to independently test. That thread is here, though results have yet to be posted.

And since it fits within the theme, and I have posted this link no less than 20 times in various places, here’s a link to a Consumer Reports article where they tested heavy metal contamination in various protein powders.

The takeaway from all of this is, at present, you seem to be pretty safe on all fronts with Optimum Nutrition, which is good considering it’s popularity. Although the results have not been posted, I expect similar things from TrueNutrition, as their raw materials are pretty high quality and they have a stellar reputation.

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